Last week, the Western Branch Diesel sales team traded in their dress shirts for fishing shirts and headed out to the Hatteras Marlin Club to participate in their annual fishing tournament. Western Branch Diesel invited customers from Amherst Madison, Cottrell Engineering, Murray American River Towing, Paxton Contractors, and Sunbelt Rentals as guests on the debut fishing trip of the CABO Uno.
Western Branch Diesel took the first day of the tournament, Monday, June 24th, as a lay day to familiarize themselves with the new boat. While Ken Cotte, Territory Manager for Western Branch Diesel, was talking with Rob Anke, Assistant General Manager of Maintenance from Murray, they noticed one of the anglers had hooked the boat’s first fish. In a short time, the vast size of the fish became clear to all onboard — there was a 500 lb blue marlin on the line. Rob and Ken joined the group to begin bringing in the marlin. All onboard the CABO were amazed and excited to witness the catch of this once-in-a-lifetime fish. After 90 strenuous minutes, the crew worked together to bring in the blue marlin — a moment everyone onboard will always remember.
The rest of the week’s activities did not disappoint. Tuesday, Western Branch Diesel’s own David Shook came out with the day’s largest meat fish, contributing to the team’s overall tournament points. Later that week, Billy Stone, from Cottrell Engineering, caught an 80–90 lb sailfish. Not a day aboard the CABO passed without a bite, as David Shook closed out the week with a small tuna on Friday.
CABO Uno performed well throughout the tournament. It was noted for its agility and speed — even in four-foot seas earlier in the week. The Hatteras Yachts built boat is equipped with a pair of Volvo Penta D11-725 engines that “never skipped a beat,” according to Ken Cotte.

No matter how big or how small the fish, fun was had by all onboard the CABO Uno. The trip brought about business opportunities for not only Western Branch Diesel, but also between the guests’ companies. Avenues of communication and friendship opened between all attendees, strengthening and building relationships over experiences no one will soon forget.