Autocar has always been the toughest, hardest working, never-let-you-down truck out there. Severe-duty is the only job it knows. Custom-engineered from the wheels up and purpose-built just for you to meet the unique demands of your operation and application, Autocar is not just a truck, it’s a whole company.
When you buy an Autocar you get direct access to a huge team of people dedicated to making you successful. From the expert technicians and rapid-response parts team at Autocar — and authorized local dealers such as Western Branch Diesel — to unlimited training, you will have support for the life of your truck.

ACMD® XPERT® — Medium/Heavy Duty Cabover
Big enough to comfortably fit a 3-man crew, but in an ideal size for maneuvering through narrow alleyways and busy city streets, the Autocar ACMD® packs Autocar toughness into a Class 7/ Class 8 package perfect for a wide range of vocational applications.

ACTT® XSPOTTER® — Terminal Tractor
With the tightest turning radius, a huge operator space, the tallest and widest door openings, and more glass and fewer blind spots for safety, the Autocar ACTT® terminal tractor is made to move more trailers.
CALL 540-362-1608